Transfer procedure to regular school

Generally, children attend a Taalschool for one school year (39 weeks) before transitioning to a Dutch-speaking elementary school. Below is an explanation of the process for transferring your child from the Taalschool to a regular elementary school in Amstelveen or Ouderkerk.

After 26 weeks at the Taalschool, an advice will be provided regarding your child’s recommended grade and proposed transfer date to an elementary school. Depending on your child’s age and development, testing may be part of this process.
Once the advice is ready, you will receive an email from the Centraal Informatie Loket (CIL). This email will include the provisional advice and list up to three nearby elementary schools with available spaces. You will need to inform the CIL of your preferred order for these schools by the specified deadline. When replying, please indicate if a sibling is already attending an elementary school in Amstelveen or Ouderkerk aan de Amstel.
After the deadline, your child will be assigned to the highest-ranked school on your list, if possible. Priority is given to children with siblings already enrolled in a school, although placement is not guaranteed. If more children apply than a school can accommodate, placement will be based on proximity to the school. If no preferences are provided, your child will be assigned to a school with available space.

Confirmation and Introduction
Once a school has been assigned, you will receive a confirmation email from the CIL. The assigned elementary school will then reach out to arrange an introduction meeting and finalize enrollment details.

Please note that placement in an elementary school is provisional. In rare cases, it may be recommended that your child join a different grade or receive additional support, which could require finding an alternative school. If this occurs, we will provide you with another suitable option.
If your child has special educational needs, we will assess whether the assigned school can meet those needs. In this case, the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO/IB-er) will guide you through the process, rather than the CIL.

Transition to Elementary School
When your child completes their final tests at the Taalschool, the school will ensure a smooth transition by sharing relevant information with the new elementary school and coordinating any necessary orientation days.

Important Notice
If you plan to move outside the municipality of Amstelveen, please inform us as soon as possible. This will allow us to reallocate the spot to another child.

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